Top 20 Professional Resume Website Examples

Top 20 Professional Resume Website Examples

It is impossible to get hired without a well-written resume.

It needs to convey who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and what you can offer prospective employers. Furthermore, that should be able to fit on a single page.

The majority of job-seekers use standard CV templates in PDF format, but you want your resume to stand out.

Creating an engaging online resume is a simple way to stand out from the crowd. There is flexibility in how you present your skills and experience when using a resume website.

Here are 20 resume websites built with Zyro that should serve as examples for your own.

The Most Imaginative Online CV Platforms

Find some resume website examples here to get you started. The following are links to the online portfolios of successful applicants.

1. Brooke Smith

The website that Brooke uses to showcase her credentials is simple but effective.

Brooke, in her capacity as a project manager, has naturally given considerable thought to the organisation of her personal website.

If you have a specific career goal in mind, tailoring your resume to highlight that goal will help you catch the attention of recruiters and headhunters.

Since there is a lot of white space on the resume website, the content stands out more clearly.

You’ve made it simple for the visitor to zero in on the meat of your application: your qualifications for the position.

2. Martin Ringlein

Designer, investor, entrepreneur, and chief executive officer all describe Martin Ringlein.

Though he has played a variety of roles in the past, his website’s layout makes it easy to peruse his resume.

It’s easy to scroll through the resume using the arrow keys, as the page is designed to do so horizontally.

To tell the story of your career with clarity, this format may be ideal if you have many years of experience.

If you can’t find what you need on the web, maybe you should create a website yourself and fill it with the relevant information. Employers and clients will both benefit from knowing your current job search status thanks to this.

3. Andrew McCarthy

Find out more about Andrew McCarthy, a developer and designer based in Berlin.

His online resume is very simple and has a lot of blank space. As a means of keeping the page’s text to a minimum in order to make it load faster, only short sentences and pertinent hyperlinks have been included.

You may have noticed that Andrew doesn’t give you a whole lot of information about himself.

You can see his work history, email address, and a brief description of his favourite pastime, skateboarding, as you scroll down the page.

It’s initially confusing because this information is repeated multiple times on the homepage.

In any case, you notice that as you scroll up and down the page, the backdrop transforms into a new shape and colour.

This seemingly insignificant addition encourages interaction from site visitors. It’s also a bit of a nod to the designer’s lighthearted side.

4. Vladimir Gruev

Do you want people to take notice of your website? Vladimir Gruev’s resume is a perfect example of how to shock and impress your audience.

The designer from the Ukraine uses a pink and blue colour scheme with some black and white to make the text easy to read. If you want your website to stand out, remember this useful piece of advice.

Vladimir’s application stands out due to the cube that moves with your mouse. When you move your mouse over the various links in the menu, the text inside the box adapts to create an interactive experience.

Vladimir’s resume is great not only in terms of design, but also because he makes a compelling case for why his services would be valuable to prospective employers.

Vladimir details his aspirations, expertise, and guiding principles on his About page. With the help of a Venn diagram, he explains why businesses should hire him.

If you’re trying to sell yourself to potential employers as an employee, you might want to do the same.

5. Pascal van Gemert

The resume created by Pascal van Gemert is a great example of an intuitively designed website.

The web designer in the Netherlands has made his site accessible to all users by using a single-page scrolling layout.

The website’s layout not only facilitates easy navigation, but also presents a wealth of information on Pascal. Use the quick links in the sidebar to quickly navigate to the content you need.

The pleasing visual design of the page is also a plus.

See how some sections are introduced by a famous quote before a large image of Captain America? Such specifics help others form a more complete picture of you.

6. Nathaniel Koloc

Nathaniel Koloc’s portfolio is yet another example of a personal website done well.

The meat of his resume is where he shines.

His work as an entrepreneur and people executive is characterised by declarative statements such as “I love building powerful teams and tuning them to perform at their best.”

In this case, Nathaniel specifically cites the influence of peer pressure. There are logos for his own projects, as well as logos and names of groups and individuals he has assisted.

7. Anthony Wiktor

When visiting Anthony Wiktor’s website, the reader is immediately drawn to a catchy headline that serves as his USP.

Seeing the logos of major companies like Disney and Fox would make a visitor confident that he is qualified for the position.

Eye-catching graphics (like the aforementioned color-changing hover effects) keep site visitors interested and highlight his technical proficiency.

There’s a happy photo of him on the “About” page, which is standard procedure for corporate sites. Customers will feel more comfortable doing business with you after seeing this.

8. Callie Schweitzer

The online resume for Callie Schweitzer is a study in effective minimalism.

Her resume is several pages long, and while it isn’t particularly detailed, it does a great job of highlighting her experience and expertise as a media and technology consultant.

Images and videos of her giving talks can attest to her competence. She backs this claim up with references to related news coverage.

Design-wise, The website that Callie has created is straightforward and simple to use. You can get to know her better by perusing her resume, which can be accessed via a convenient drop-down menu.

9. Andris Gauracs

If you want to see how animation can liven up a resume, look no further than Andris Gauracs’s website.

When users visit the site, they are greeted by an animated version of Andris, giving them the impression that they have already met him.

When you use your mouse to move the carousel’s dots, animations play to supplement the data that slides in from the right. The focus of this section is on his professional career as a web developer and videographer.

And the effects that are triggered by scrolling make for a very pleasant browsing experience.

10. Gary Le Masson

One clever resume trick is to model it after an established website or app.

For instance, Gary’s resume is aesthetically pleasing and interesting because he modelled it after the Google search page.

Like a SERP, the content is formatted for easy reading and navigation. Google’s resume and reference sections are laid out like hyperlinks and meta descriptions, respectively. When you click the link, the appropriate details will be shown.

Gary provides specifics regarding his work in the Web Analytics section. You’ll notice that he even provides a basic overview of how to get started.

On the same page, to the right, you’ll find a screenshot of his resume website in action.

If you click the image, you’ll be taken to a demo in Google Data Studio that shows what his services can do for prospective customers.

11. Ximena Larkin

Ximena’s homepage features a large photo of her and Michelle Obama. A quick way to look more credible is to display a photo of yourself with a notable public figure.

She gives an extensive presentation of her duties as a public relations expert and writer. To give prospective clients a better idea of what she offers, she provides links to her own work and press coverages.

A picture of her giving a speech at an awards show is featured on the homepage as further evidence of her credentials.

Since Ximena is a freelance writer, she has included a link to submission guidelines at the end of her page.

If you have established yourself as a credible freelancer, it is customary to include this information in your resume.

12. Raf Derolez

Front-end developer Raf Derolez excels at innovative user experiences and polished transitions. His hobbies and interests are highlighted on his resume website.

Raf demonstrates his proficiency as a web developer by employing interactive design elements like parallax scrolling and mouseover effects.

His quirky sense of style shines through in small details like the choice of a slightly unconventional typeface, despite the stark monochrome colour scheme.

Check out Raf’s About page to learn more about who he really is. His photo features blinking eyes that light up when you hover over them, revealing his jovial nature.

13. Denis Moulin

Check out Denis Moulin’s portfolio if you can’t get enough of clean, uncluttered layouts.

Denis, an expert in creating user-friendly interfaces, plans to showcase his abilities via his personal portfolio site.

Denis’ resume shines because of how straightforward it is. Only the logos and some yellow details add any splash of colour to an otherwise monochrome design.

A lot of empty space surrounds the main content area. Denis’s work is easy to understand and methodical, as suggested by the minimalist layout.

14. Gary Sheng

Gary Sheng’s website is a good model for those who want to project an image of being approachable and open.

You’ll find unique personality in his resume as you explore his one-page site.

He uses catchy section headings like “Here’s what I’ve done so far” and “Get into my brain” to break up the text. The use of emojis in the textual components suggests a lighthearted nature.

Apart from that, he lays out a set of guiding principles for living that exemplify his worldview. It’s a good idea to include such a segment on your online resume, as it will educate potential clients and give an excellent representation of your work ethic.

15. Sean Halpin

Check out Sean Halpin’s portfolio if you want some examples of resume illustrations to use.

The graphics are pleasant to look at without detracting from the content.

Sean’s unique aesthetic is established through the illustrations, which feature a predominant green colour scheme.

The content of Sean’s website is written like a compelling call to action.

The text introduces the reader to him and his work, and then directs them to get in touch with him via a call-to-action button. All relevant information is conveyed succinctly in the text.

16. Brandon Johnson

Brandon Johnson’s personal website is where you can find his jaw-dropping resume.

It’s sleek and dark, making it a good backdrop for images and text that pertain to his career as a planetary scientist.

The website features a graphic chart, as well as a video and images of planetary surfaces and asteroids to demonstrate his knowledge.

Brandon provides a list of publications and a link to his Google Scholar profile so that site visitors can learn more about him.

To further illustrate the depth and breadth of his expertise, he lists all of his relevant hobbies and interests.

17. Anna Ellenberger

If you visit Anna’s resume website, you’ll be introduced to Anna right away.

The headline of your personal website should be a strong statement that both introduces you and grabs the reader’s attention.

While Anna’s professional background is in design and illustration, she makes it a point to introduce herself to each new guest.

Rather than simply listing her jobs and projects in order, she uses her portfolio to highlight the most relevant aspects of her work history.

If you’re applying for a creative position, you might want to highlight your past work and unique character traits.

18. Sean O’Connor

Sean works as a marketing strategist for himself, and his personal website packs a serious online punch.

He veers from the norm by employing a black background with white text, large, attention-grabbing headings, and a few offbeat illustrations. It’s easy for the visitor to navigate between the various sections (what I do, who I’ve worked with, and what they have to say).

A personal website is only as good as its content, so don’t forget to showcase your finest work by posting reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients.

Just like Sean did, try to get genuine testimonials from former employers and customers and post them online. By providing concrete evidence of your qualifications, you’ll gain the recruiters’ trust and increase your chances of getting hired.

19. Diogo Correia

The good news is that anyone can benefit from posting their resume on a website.

Even while still in school, students can benefit from having a place to highlight their accomplishments, interests, and abilities.

Diogo, a student developer, has an impressive online resume complete with a timeline outlining key moments in his professional development.

In addition, he provides a separate “Impossible List” page that details his many ambitious health, travel, and personal development objectives.

Many recruiters are looking for more than just the right set of skills in a candidate; they want to find someone who will thrive in the company’s culture.

20. Quinnton J Harris

Making an impression and standing out from the competition during a job search can be crucial.

On the surface, Quinnton’s online resume doesn’t look like a resume at all.

The website’s catchy headline implies that the reader is familiar with the subject matter. The large dots used for navigation on the left side of the page urge the reader to keep scrolling and discover more of Quinnton’s background.

Quinnton’s portfolio site highlights his experience as a creative director through the use of narrative. His professional and personal life, including his marriage and identical twin, are all discussed with the guest.

Taking the time to think outside the box with your website’s design will keep visitors interested.

What is an online resume, and why should you build one?

An online resume is essentially a personal website in which you highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments.

There are a number of benefits to using a resume website as opposed to a PDF or paper CV:

  • It makes it possible for people looking for services in your field to find you through online search engines.
  • Similarly, recruiters can benefit from having a website. Find everything you need to know in one convenient location.
  • In a similar vein, having a website opens up a wider range of possibilities for displaying your originality and making an impression on potential employers. Personal websites that actually stand out from the crowd are the best kind.
  • Last but not least, it can boost your reputation in the business world and in your personal life. Making an effort to look presentable to potential clients and employers through the creation of a resume website is a good sign.

Zyro Website Maker can help you save time while creating your own personal profile page.

Alternatively, if you want to start from scratch and create a website for your resume, you can find a list of the best web hosting sites in the UK and elsewhere on sites like Hosting Data.

You now have everything you need to create a stunning resume site in addition to the top 20 resume websites we showcased above.

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