How to Identify Specific Color on an App or Website

How to Identify Specific Color on an App or Website

How to Identify Specific Color on an App or Website

Imagine you’re scrolling through photographs and you locate the ideal hue – the exact shade you need for your next creative project. There are several fantastic tools on the internet to assist you recognise certain colours on any app or website. Let’s check over a few of the more promising alternatives.

1. Using Developer Tools on Chrome Web Browser

The Chrome Developer Tool is an alternative you can explore. Using Chrome is a breeze because of all the built-in tools and extensions that make life easier for programmers. Follow these instructions to quickly pinpoint colours in any digital environment.

  • Chrome web browser should be used to access the site where the colour is needed to be identified.
  • To access Chrome’s menu, select the three dots at the upper right. A menu of choices will show in a pop-up window.
  • To access developer tools, open the menu that appears by clicking “More Tools,” and then pick “Developer tools” from the drop-down menu that appears.
  • Alternatively, you can use Ctrl + Shift + I to bypass the aforementioned procedures.
  • Having done so, the window now splits in two, with the website on the left and the code on the right.
  • Copy the text by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on your keyboard. When you move your mouse over an element on the page, more information about that element appears.
  • The element’s colour code, among other things, is listed.

Suppose you want to know the precise colour codes used for certain elements on the following website:

By selecting the options menu’s three dots, you’ll have access to the developer tools. More tools, then Developer tools, can be found in the menu’s pull-down supplementary options.

Two distinct pages will appear on the screen. On the left is the actual website, and on the right is the code that runs it.

To select all text on a web page, press Ctrl + Shift + C and move the mouse pointer over the text. This will display the element’s colour in addition to other relevant data. Here are a couple of instances where the search bar’s colour and a dashboard are presented below the bar.

The colour code for the menu bar’s pop-up may be found at this location. Specifically, the hexadecimal representation of this colour is #333333.

Along with other information, such as the dashboard’s colour, you may find it here. Background colour #5D4A8E, foreground colour #333333. While the learning curve may seem steep at first, the programme quickly becomes second nature with just a little amount of practise.

2. Eye Dropper Chrome Extension

Eye Dropper is a widely-used Chrome addon that allows you to sample colours from any website or app.

In order to pick out precise hues on a website or in an app, you can use the Eye Dropper addon.

  • Launch the Chrome Web Browser and go to your preferred website or app.
  • To use the Eye Dropper add-on, select it.
  • Check the box labelled “Pick colour from web page,” then move the mouse pointer over various parts of the programme or website to get a feel for the hues they utilise.

You may find the colour code of the elements specified in the bottom right of the webpage.



Okay, let’s put the eyedropper extension to work in a concrete scenario. First, we’ll go online and click the Eye Dropper extension’s icon.

Color codes appear in a panel on the right side of the screen as you hover over different parts of the website.

If I move my mouse over the V-shaped icon, the corresponding colour will appear in the bottom pane, as described. The advantage of this tool is that in addition to the hex code for the element’s colour, you can also obtain its corresponding RGB code. Users looking for a quick and easy way to snag the hex codes for their favourite colours have a lot of leeway in how they put this technique to use.

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