14 Super Clever 404 Pages that are Totally On-Brand [2022]

14 Super Clever 404 Pages that are Totally On-Brand [2022]

These days, everyone is obsessed with aesthetically pleasing “page not found” error messages.

It would appear that web developers are always trying to one-up one another by improving upon what was once a standard error message.

You can find thousands of examples to use as inspiration by conducting a search on Google, Pinterest, or Dribbble.

On the other hand, good looks aren’t everything.

In order to keep visitors interested and encourage them to keep exploring your site, it’s important that your 404 page incorporates your brand, products, and services, as well as direct calls to action.

Following companies have done an excellent job creating unique 404 pages that meet all requirements.

  • Marvel
  • 20th Century Fox
  • Specialized
  • Blizzard
  • Mailchimp
  • Netflix
  • My Codeless Website
  • Pixar
  • Pagecloud
  • airbnb
  • 9 Gag
  • Dan Woodger
  • IMDb
  • LEGO


Marvel’s error page features prominent images of their iconic heroes. They did an excellent job isolating the cause of the error to one letter. You can see different characters by refreshing the page, and there are also some subtle animations. Genius.

20th Century Fox

Very astute for being so uncomplicated. The dreaded “404 Page Not Found” can be mocked with a clip from “Young Frankenstein,” courtesy of 20th Century Fox.


Then why not show off your product in action? One of Specialized’s riders explains the error on the company’s 404 page. Everyone makes blunders; yours could be featured on your personal page.


Blizzard Entertainment, makers of many well-known video games, created a special “404” error page for those who get lost in the snow. A helpful murloc is there to show you the way back to your house. Cute!


MailChimp’s 404 page is a model of minimalist design and effective writing. It doesn’t take much to make an impression.


Netflix’s 404 page is clean and includes a fun reference to the classic TV show Lost in Space. Obviously, the most widely used streaming service online would not disappoint.

My Codeless Website

It’s a fantastic way to get your visitors involved with your product and find new customers by making your 404 page interactive. Visitors to My Codeless Website are greeted by Ralph and offered the option to search for “what tools were used to build this website” on the 404 page. Really neat!


One of the most consistent with their brand image 404 pages online today is that of the animation studio giant. The error message references the emotion of sadness from the critically acclaimed film “Inside Out.” Extra points for the clean layout and generous use of white space.


A 404 page is essential; even web designers use them. Pagecloud’s 404 error page successfully unites brand, product, and setting. As you have found a page that doesn’t exist, you should probably just go ahead and make it.


The animated girl from Airbnb drops her ice cream on the 404 page, and you can’t help but feel bad for her. It wouldn’t be very nice if you left right away. Why not use a help link instead?

9 Gag

9GAG is a website popular for its humorous media content, such as videos, images, and gifs. There is an obvious prompt to get the app so you can look for what you need.

Dan Woodger

The well-known freelance artist, whose work has been used by major corporations like McDonald’s, has added one of his amiable burgers holding a sorry flag to his ingenious 404 page. Bonus? This understated call-to-action subtly suggests that readers look at his other illustration projects.


When it comes to information about movies, TV shows, and famous people, IMDb is one of the best resources out there. A number of movie quotes are adapted for their 404 page. If you hit the refresh button, a new quote will appear, along with a cleverly placed link to the film’s wiki page.

Orange Coat

The 404 page for Orange Coat features a helpful flowchart that directs the “Happy Internet Traveler” to the content they were seeking. A simple “yes” or “no” to any of their questions will get you where you need to go. In addition, their URL is capped off with the welcoming /dear-happy-internet-traveler, rather than the less personable /error.


The LEGO 404 page is another illustration of how your page can be appealing, efficient, and on brand without being overly complicated. A visual aid, some explanatory text, and a “Go Home” button. It’s just that simple, and it never fails to put a smile on your face.

I’m curious as to your thoughts on these layouts. I was wondering, which one is your favourite.
It’s a good day to learn the basics of making your own 404 page if you’re feeling motivated. It’s not as hard as you might think.

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